Thrills and Chills, featuring the Winners of our 2022 Young Performers Concerto Competition
On Sunday, March 13, the Illinois Valley Symphony Orchestra presented Thrills and Chills! which featured the winners of the Junior and Senior Divisions of the 2022 Young Performers’ Concerto Competition, as well as a lively introduction to the orchestra narrated by Roger Amm.
Madison Vescogni, flute
Young Performers Senior Division Winner Madison Vescogni performed the first movement of the Flute Concerto in G Major by Quantz. A junior at LaSalle-Peru Township High School, she is the daughter of Brian and Michele Vescogni of Peru. Maddie has studied privately with Sue Gillio at Music Suite 408 for the past five years and is a member of the Illinois Valley Flute Ensemble, playing contrabass flute. At. L-P she plays in the high school band wind ensemble and was one of the 2021 drum majors for the Marching Cavaliers, all under the direction of Jeremy Stevens. Maddie has participated in the District # 2 Junior and Senior ILMEA bands and was selected as a 2021 All-State Musician. She was selected to the I-8 All-Conference Band as a freshman and a junior. Maddie has also participated in the Annual Flute Day and Summer Flute Retreats in Peru.
Junior Division Winner Ava Rosengren, flutist, will play Fauré’s “Fantaisie”. She is a freshman at Serena High School and the daughter of Tammi and Mike Rosengren of Serena. She has played flute since she was six years old as a student of Cindi Isenhower. Most recently she has studied at Music Studio 408 in Peru with Jennifer Etscheid and is currently a student of Sue Gillio. Ava is a member of the Illinois Flute Ensemble, playing alto flute. She was selected for the Junior and Senior District #2 ILMEA band festivals the past four years, participated in many Honor Band Festivals, 2 flute camps, and teaching days and is a member of the Serena High School Band under the direction of Geoff Pierce.
Ava Rosengren, flute
Roger Amm, narrator
“The Thrill of the Orchestra”, an upbeat piece demonstrating the various sections of the orchestra, was composed by Russell Peck, whose orchestral compositions have received thousands of performances in cities across the world including, Kyiv, Warsaw, Montreal and Singapore, among others.
Narrating this piece was Roger Amm, who taught vocal music for thirty-two years at Ottawa High School and currently serves on the OHS Board of Education. Roger helped produce three Emmy–Award winning documentaries by Kanestar Productions and has performed leading roles in the musicals Les Miserables and Bright Star at Engle Lane Theater in Streator.